.. module:: manipulator_controller
:platform: Unix
:synopsis: Python module for the position controller of the manipulator
.. moduleauthor:: Omotoye Shamsudeen Adekoya, Leonardo Borgioli, Yara Abdelmottaleb, Adedamola Sode.
This script implements the position controller of the manipulator
import os
import time
from CoppeliaSim.scripts.modules import (
sim as copp,
) # access all the COPPELIASIM elements
import os
[docs]class ManipulatorController:
A class responsible for communicating with the manipulator on CoppeliaSim and controlling it
def __init__(self):
Initialization of the ManipulatorController class
Establishes the connection. Sets the port at which to communicate with CoppeliaSim
Gets the handle for the target object attached to the tip of the manipulator
copp.simxFinish(-1) # just in case, close all opened connections
self.clientID = copp.simxStart(
"", 19999, True, False, 60000, 5
) # start a connection
if self.clientID != -1:
print("Connected to remote API server")
self.connected = True
print("Not connected to remote API server")
self.connected = False
self.err_code, self.target_handle = copp.simxGetObjectHandle(
self.clientID, "TargetObject", copp.simx_opmode_blocking
[docs] def move_manipulator_tip(self, target):
responsible for moving the manipulator's tip to a given target position
:param target: target position for the tip (x,y,z)
self.clientID, self.target_handle, -1, target, copp.simx_opmode_blocking